Health & Safety
To encourage physical distancing and everyone’s safety at Drumlish Community Centre/Drumlish Community Sports Hub, we are practising the following:
- Adding signage to educate members on new processes, procedures, and safety measures
- Screening staff daily for their health
- Staggering programs to reduce the number of people in a space at any given time
- Allowing 15 minutes between groups to clean & sanitise the area.
- Only those involved in the game/session (players, referees, management) are permitted on court/ exercise area. strictly no spectators are allowed in the building.
- Gatherings, including social gatherings, before or after events must be avoided. Participants should practice 2 metre physical distancing before and after events, during breaks in play, on the side-lines and team huddles should be avoided.
Stay home if you are unwell. By entering our facilities, you are declaring that you are in good health. Please ensure you fill out our COVID -19 questionnaires before entering.
- Please ensure that you and all the members of your group sanitise your hands upon entering and exiting building at the sanitising stations provided.
- Masks are optional at this time.
- Respect and follow staff directions, queuing procedures, and posted signage at all times.
- Maintain 2 metres distance or more from others at all times.
- Sites will have designated entrances and exits with one-way flow of traffic.
- Limited entrances and exits will be available.
- Look for signage on walls and floors.
- All members are asked not to attend the facility if feeling unwell, and to consult their GP. If a participant becomes ill during the activity, they will be brought to our designated isolation room away from other participants and should return home as soon as possible.
What you need to know before you arrive to Drumlish Community Centre CLG/ Drumlish Sports hub
You must arrive no more than 5 minutes before your registered program or activity time.
- Arrive ready for your program.
- Changing facilities and showers will not be available.
- Centre is not open for casual use.
- Leave the building as soon as your program ends.
We are constantly monitoring the Government Guidelines and announcements and strictly adhering to all guidelines. We ask all our members to respect this. We will stay in touch with all our users to keep you up to date with future developments.